Fixing the Ryder Cup
By now, most golfers are quite familiar with the Ryder Cup competitions. It's Europe versus the US, with Europe winning most of the events over the last 15 years. Nothing wrong with that after the US seemed to own the cup for decades. If you look at the Master's top finishers, it's easy to imagine that Europe will win again this year. The US players in general are beginning to look old and tired. But I'm not writing to rant about that. I'm sure it will be fun to watch. I just think that it puts too much emphasis on nationalism when the world could probably do with less. It also leaves out some of the worlds best golfers.
I've got an idea for a professional golf competition that would be exciting, pit the best golfers in the world against each other and downplay nationality all at the same time. Instead of creating teams based on geography and politics, why not do it based on age. Golf is the one sport where players of significantly different ages can play competitively together. I'd make the dividing line at 35. If you look at the top players in the world, you start to get an idea for interesting this could be. Additionally, it would be nice to see the great players from Japan, Australia, South Africa, Fiji and anywhere else they may be from competing as well.
Want a little more spice in the mix, then add in the ladies. That just might be a spectacle that everyone would enjoy. And it certainly would help get across the concept that we all need to get along on this little spaceship we're on. If you've ever read Alister MacKenzie, then you know how strongly he felt that there was much more to golf than personal pleasure, he thought it had a significant civilizing effect as well. I can't disagree with that.