Why the long face, Mr. Furyk?
Seems like there's not a lot happening on the PGA U.S. Tour unless Tiger or Phil are involved. There is no Fijian, South African, European or Australian superstar to fill the void. No one else seems able to sustain dominance week in and week out. On the U.S. front, no young guns have yet emerged to take up the mantle. Guys like Zach Johnson tease us that maybe they'll join the ranks of the pro elite, but they've got to prove they can sustain their winning ways for more than a tournament, a month or even a year.
Then there's Jim Furyk with the famous loopy swing. He has performed at the top for many years and has won some big tournaments along the way. Where stars of old like Davis Love III and Freddy C have been fading, Jim is still very competitive and always a threat to pull out a win. Year to date he is number 17 on the money list having earned a bit more than $1.6 million.
Not a bad way to make a living, considering it's just a game. It's a walk in some of the finest 'parks' in the country. It certainly is not life and death - no brains to operate on, or hearts to be transplanted.
Jim Furyk has already built his reputation as a great golfer. It could get even better, but won't really sink even if he never wins again - something not likely to happen. Jim has made 10's of millions of dollars playing a funny game where adults compete to put a little ball in a round cup on fastidiously maintained grass carpets. Only we should be so lucky.
Then why does Jim Furyk walk around with such a long face all the time? You'd think he had to clean the Porta Poddies Sunday evening, or spend 40 plus hours a week in an 8 by 10 cubicle at the mercy of a 'Nine to Five' boss. Personally, I'd clean the Porta Poddies for what Jim will make this year and I'd do it with a smile on my face.
On an individual basis, you're entitled to play the game the way you want. That's one of the beauties of golf as an individual sport. But if you think beyond yourself, how can you not see that as a leading pro you owe something to the golfing fans, those on whose backs the purses are built. And don't forget the future generations of pros who hope the tour stays as lucrative as it is. If guys like Arnie, Chi Chi, Gary and Lee didn't do more than just play great, there wouldn't be the gigantic purses there are today. They smiled and even joked with us as they played. It made them human and a little bit easier to identify with. Are there any little kids out there pretending they're Jim Furyk?
Someone has to play great and give that something extra to the fans or our numbers will surely dwindle. I'm not saying that playing at the highest level on the pro tour doesn't take concentration. There's plenty of time for that in a 4 1/2 hour round, but there's also time for some smiles and fan interaction, letting us know that under it all we're all more alike than we are different. Even Jack was smiling occasionally when he won his last Masters and no one had greater powers of concentration on the course. Even some brain surgeons have been known to smile from time to time when they're working.
Jim, you've established your reputation as a great golfer, now take it up a notch and become a great golf ambassador. Who knows, in the future there may even be kid or two out there putting on a practice green with the announcer's call going through his mind 'Jason Everykid has this 10 footer to beat Jim Furyk for the U.S. Open Championship'.