Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"Alternative" Golf Power Using Martial Arts

Curious out there how many folks practice some type of alternative exercise to increase your golf swing power. By this I mean aikido, chi gong, tai chi, etc. I practice aikido so I have some direct experience. It is a type of "power" that you develop over time. One of the keys in any of these disicplines is, of course, you have to practice it but it very much has to do with working on a way to relax your body so you have "effortless" power. I have glimpsed this only a few times in the last couple years and if I had the chance to play a bit more would pursue this adamently. I was actually testing some exercises from Ken Cohen's book, The Ways of QiGong, and did a number of standing postures. Just standing (although in a certain way)and letting your energy or "chi" sink to your center or "hara." It is VERY difficult to just stand for say 20-30 minutes but when I was practicing semi-regularly and played golf I would have that feeling of power coming from my center (hips) and not from the top (which is what I usually do) with a totally relaxed, (almost felt like I did not have a club in my hand) full swing. I easily gained about 20-30 yards. It was almost magical. However, it was VERY fleeting. But I often think back and wonder about how I could tap into this "hidden" power source more often.


richard said...

I just started yoga! btw, your blog has been added to the largest golf blogroll on the internet ;)


Testing snippet said...

I once treated a golfer friend of mine with Reiki. He felf really energized following the session and he said, it improved his swing!
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